How to define IRC well, in basic terms, IRC stands for
Internet-Relay-Chat... most people that have been anywhere near
the internet, know this anyway. IRC is basically like a huge text
based party line... where people from all over the world
culminate together into different servers to discuss everything
from philosophy, to how bad the weather is in Sydney, to how
old their Aunt Francis in El Salvador is... basically, anything
goes... The main aim of IRC is entertainment, although programs
like ICQ (I-Seek-You)
offer more business based relationships within a chatting environment.
Getting connected these
days, is becoming easier and easier... with two main programs
leading the way in IRC chatting, it's becoming quite simple to
just download a chat program and jump on a server straight away.
The two main clients are mIRC and Pirch...
Version 5.51 for Windows 95/98/NT
Version 98 for Windows 95/98
mIRC can be setup by the following, the server must be selected from the list that is
displayed. To get to the server section, press 'alt-e' and a window like below should appear.
The server that is wanted in this case is below.
next step is
to set your 'identd' or username. This is done by clicking the
identd tab, and in the space provided, put your User ID, or
everything before the @ of your email address, for instance, [email protected] then your User ID is
'wildfm'. After that, Click the 'Connect' tab again then click 'Connect to IRC server!' Then you are
able to join Channel WildFM by typing '/Join #WildFM' That Simple. !!Make sure you dont forget to fill out the
Information.. Full Name, Email, NickName and Alternative Nick!!
Pirch can be set
up by clicking the 'Login' button in the main screen, then select
the 'Edit Server List' bar, after that click the 'Add Network' Tab type in 'OZORG' Like Below.
Once Added Click OZORG and then click the 'Add Server' tab type under Name: 'AU, Sydney',
Address: 'mpx.sydney.oz.org' and Ports: '6667' Like Below.
Once you have done all this, Select the server under IRC Network it should look something like below,
then hit 'Connect'. !!Make sure you dont forget to fill out the
Information.. Name, Username (Email), NickName and Alternative Nick!!
When You've got your client set up, and your connected to the right server,
all you have to do now, is join the channel WildFM by typing '/join #WildFM' - This is the
Offical WildFM Channel.
A few rules that should be followed while IRC'ing are below...
Please follow your
server's rules (they are displayed in your Status box on
connection), trust me the consequences of going against
these rules can be severe and annoying.
Don't beg for 'ops' in a
channel/room, as this not only annoys the channel
operators, it can result with you being kicked out of
that channel. (nb: 'ops' = being a channel operator, when
given ops you will see mode +o and @ appear next to your
If you do happen to be
given 'op' status, don't abuse it, cause just as easily
as you were given ops, you can lose ops !! As a channel
operator you are capable of kicking, banning, unbanning,
opping, deopping and changing the channel topic.
When your channel surfiing
on IRC (oz.org servers), you might notice that alot
of channels have an op called Z in them, well Z is a
channel service provided by oz.org (The Internet Relay Chat
Australia Organisation) and yes the reason why Z never
speaks is because Z is a bot (Channel Service).
But don't stress, IRC is
alot of fun and extremely addictive... so enjoy it :)
If you run into any problems and are in need of help email